Answer: The plasma cells.
Plasma cells are cells responsible for production of circulating immunoglobulins.
Plasma cells are white blood cells that are produced from the bone marrow and they secrete and produce antibodies like immunoglobulin.
Immunoglobulins are antibododies produced by plasma cells that act as immune response by recognizing and binding to particular antigens such as bacteria, viruses in order to destroy them.
Don't receive enzymes from Golgi apparatus
The mannose 6-phosphate receptors are transmembrane proteins that target enzymes to lysosomes.
Lysosomal enzymes such as hydrolases are synthesized in the Golgi (together with other secretory proteins). That newly synthesized hydrolases are then transported from the Golgi and delivered to lysosome thanks to mannose 6-phosphate receptor.
Really depends on what layer of crust could be a earth quake or sunami or just even a mountain forming
Small and cool.
In a Hertzsprung russel diagram the diagonal with a negative slope is the main sequence, and it begins with the hottest stars at the top until they cool at the bottom. The other diagonal represents size, with supergiants being the largest and white dwarfs being the smallest.
Nails is it
Because most time screwdriver is related to nails.