The protocol that should be used to establish a secure network connection for backups is SSH.
<h3>Secure Shell</h3>
SSH stands for <u>Secure Shell</u>. SSH is a <u>protocol that allows users to remotely control and modify servers</u>. SSH is commonly used by administrators to manage certain systems or applications remotely. So the admin can enter the computer via the network, then run various commands to modify or manage files from one computer to another.
SSH has several crucial functions for managing data transfer traffic. Specifically, the following are the functions and benefits of SSH:
- Securing remote access to SSH-enabled systems or network devices for the user and processing them automatically.
- SSH will automatically terminate the connection if there is suspicious activity on the connection used. So you can avoid various cyber threats such as IP and DNS spoofing, data manipulation, illegal tracking, and others.
- Perform automatic and secure file transfers.
- Launch commands securely on remote devices or systems.
- Perform secure component management of network infrastructure.
Learn more about Secure network connection:
SQL (<span>Structured Query Language.) is the standard programming language for communicating and organizing databases (DB).
In order to search through the database the statement SELECT should be used.
SELECT select data from the database.
SELECT is followed by the statement FROM which defines from which database you search record. </span>
The answer is below
Elements of Server software that is built-in, in Windows workstations are:
1. Hard drives,
2. RAM (Random Access Memory)
3. Processors
4. Network adapters.
Windows Professional OS is not considered a server due to the following:
1. Windows Professional OS has a limit on the number of client connections it allowed.
2. Unlike Server, Professional OS uses less memory
2. In comparison to Server, Professional OS uses the CPU less efficiently
4. Professional OS is not built to process background tasks, unlike Server that is configured to perform background tasks.
['C++', 'JAVA', 'ASP.PHP']
Gets 2 position(C++) to -2 position(ASP.PHP), JAVA is in the Middle
Gets middle of C++(nothing)
['Python', 'JAVA', 'MySQL']
Get first, jump 3, get first...
'get', 'any', 'any', 'get', 'any', 'any', 'get', ...