Is This For A Test Or An Essay?
Answer: The verb tack means to attach, add, or change course. As a noun, tack refers to a small nail, the direction of a ship, or a course of action.
This passage comes from “<u><em>The Rainy Day</em></u>” written by <em>H.W. Longfellow</em> and it points out that in life everyone will experience sorrow or heartache, but there is always hope for something better so we must stop complaining.
Question: Identify the meter. Then identify the effect of that meter.
Answer: A. unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, stressed. It gives the poem a reflective mood.
Edwards believed that human beings had the power to save themselves and that the idea of election was not valid. Although he suggests that all human beings are born with innate depravity, by living a good life, this can be overcome.
It is to make the inside cleanier