After we ate dinner, we played a game.
Dog barking, he ran away
Many are afraid of your barking
Even though not everyone barks evil
Though not all who bark bite
Your barking is feared by those who are timid
he really is
Do not like any pet
Even rabbits.
Sometimes I feel sorry to see you alone
Barking in the cold of the night
Breaking the silence with a lonely roar
Maybe someone will care about caring for you later
Take care of you, feed, and invite to play
I hope they find you soon
I hope they come before it's too late
Stay afloat even though it's not easy
Keep barking, keep calm
Hope you are doing fine
Although alone in my loneliness that also became frightened
1. We played in the cold and salty ocean water on a scorching summer day.
2. A red tide is when harmful algae grow out of control in the ocean and become...
(sorry if i’m too late!)