If your looking for your sentence to say, "I'm not honest" then yes it should be <3
2.) facíl
4.) clase
5.) tarea
8.) fisica
12.) arte
14.) aburrida
16.) septimo
17.) ingles
18.) enseña
1.) computadoras
3.) ciencias
6.) almuerzo
7.) argollas
9.) horario
10.) quinta
11.) matematicas
13.) tercero
1.Porfavor ve y haz la comida (please )go and make some food)
2.Sal de la cama y haz algo (Get out of bed and make something)
3.Ven acá ahora porque yo lo digo (Come here right now because I say so)
4.¿Puedes ir a mi cuarto y traerme la bolsa azul? (Can you go to my room and bring me the blue bag?)
5.No puedes poner la el plato de sopa en la cama (You can't put your bowl of soup on the bed)
Conversations Choose the correct adverbs to complete the conversations. These are the pills that you should take. Remember, there are four pills a day; you should take them ... "Excuse me, doctor, can you talk more? I just listen to this headache." Do you get sick? "I get sick once a year." What did the doctor tell you? "I have to swim for an hour, three times a week because I feel bone pain, swimming is very good for circulation and does not hurt the bones.