Lipid insoluble hormones/Peptide hormones
Hormones produce their effect by binding to speific receptor. These receptors may be intracellular or membranal.
Membrane receptors;
The lipid insoluble hormones cannot cross the plasma membrane thus their receptors are found on plasma membrane. These are usually peptide hormones.
Examples; Insulin.
Intracellular receptors;
The lipid soluble hormones can cross the plasma membrane thus their receptors are found in cytoplasm. These are usually steroidal hormones.
Example; Testosterone.
Options for the question have not been given. They are as follows:
A. a lack of urban health care capacity
B. cultural disregard for women and women's health
C. prudence's family medical history
D. a lack of previous medical problems
C. prudence's family medical history
Sociological factors include the factors related to human society. These factors stem from the way a society functions and effects the people which are a part of it. The way the society is structured and developed, impacts the people.
Prudence died during childbirth. There can be many sociological causes of her death like low status of women or poor medical facilities in her society. However, her family medical history will not be considered a sociological factor. Family medical history also depends on other factors like genetic composition of the family which is not a sociological factor.
B. the breakdown of glucose in the chloroplast
social anxiety disorder
social anxiety disorder is the fear of being judged by people or negatively assessing them, or rejected in a social situation