Nerve plexuses are composed of afferent and efferent fibers that arise from the merging of the anterior rami of spinal nerves and blood vessels. There are five spinal nerve plexuses—except in the thoracic region—as well as other forms of autonomic plexuses, many of which are a part of the enteric nervous system. A plexus is a bundle of intersecting nerves, blood vessels, or lymphatic vessels in the human body. These bundles typically originate from the same anatomical area and serve specific areas of the body. Bundles of nerves that form a plexus communicate information to your brain about pain, temperature, and pressure.
In the lysogenic cycle, the viral genome gets incorporated into the host genome and replicates with the host genome. In the lysogenic cycle, no proteins and enzymes of the virus are formed while in the lytic cycle protein of viral capsid form and new phages generate in the host cell.
So as the viral genome integrates into the host genome in the lysogenic cycle, therefore, it is difficult for any drug to differentially act on the viral genome. So there are great chances for drugs to target the host genome in the host cell.
But in virus that replicates through lytic cycle drugs can selectively act on viral enzyme and proteins. Therefore it is difficult to make a drug that affects lysogenic virus.
The correct answer is the fourth option. The magnification of a specimen viewed with a compound light microscope that has an objective power of 10x and an ocular lens power of 5x is equal to 50x. Magnification is equivalent to the product of the objective power and the ocular lens. Ten times five is fifty.
HI brother
whats up
the answer is: it is 100% limited
i hope my answer meet your expectations :) good luck