<span>Mark is using the open monitoring style of mediation. One of the key characteristics of open monitoring meditation is to be keenly aware of ones surroundings and actions. Commonly, breathing, movement of limbs/digits, and surrounds can be focused on to clear the mind.</span>
task demands
The organizational factor that seems to be causing Jan's stress would be task demands. This basically revolves around the things that Jan has to do as they are her responsibilities due to having that job position. In Jan's case, this apparently involves spending long hours at her desk fulfilling tasks such as filling out paperwork and answering phone calls. Since she needs to stay at her desk in order to fulfill her job duties and her desk is located in the front entrance there is not much she can do about the constant interruptions. This is what is causing her stress.
To prepare for a trip, camels would be fattened up for the journey across the desert. Caravans moved at about three miles per hour and it took them 40 days to cross the Sahara Desert. Muslim traders spread Islam throughout Western Africa. Islamic law helped to lower crime rates and also spread the common language of Arabic, thus encouraging trade.
Sería un alto riesgo porque pordrían caerse a la muerte mientras lo construyen