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800 words on research about sexual orientation?
Both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood flow through the heart.
excretory, circulatory
Media develops an image of the sports personalities. They portray them good/bad, which affects the sponsorship being received by the sports persons. Any negative image or personal behavior hampers their image or sometimes entire career. The positive image draws affection of the people and brings more money from sponsors. Media also interferes too much in their personal lives and irritate them.
All amino acids have a center carbon. The center carbon has four different molecules attached to it, these are: AMINO GROUP [NH2], CARBOXYL GROUP [COOH], AN R GROUP [R] AND A HYDROGEN ATOM. There are twenty different amino acids in existence, each amino acid differ from another one based on their R groups. The R group is specific and unique to each amino acid. The center carbon in amino acid structure is also called alpha carbon.