Inertia- the tendency of an object to resist a change in velocity
Say a car was going at 65 MPH, but suddenly stopped. For all of the people in that car, their bodies would keep moving forward at 65 MPH until stopped by an equal force (say, the thing right in front of each person) The seatbelt is there to protect you from your own inertia.
The Sun is the primary source of energy for Earth's climate system is the first of seven Essential Principles of Climate Sciences.
Principle 1 sets the stage for understanding Earth's climate system and energy balances.
The Sun warms the planet, drives the hydrologic cycle, and makes life on Earth possible.
Answer: The correct option is E ( Intermediate filaments are unpolarized).
Intermediate Filaments are usually associated with cells that can withstand mechanical stress which includes claws of animals, hair and makes up the dead remnants of the epidermal cell of the skin. Therefore without the supporting network of intermediate filaments, an epithelium remains intact but the cells are prone to damage by abrasive forces.
Intermediate filaments are so named because they are thicker than actin filaments and thinner than microtubules or muscle myosin filaments
The properties or characteristics of an intermediate filaments that explains the lack of motor proteins is as a result of its subunits which are elongated, not globular and are associated in an anti-polar manner. Therefore, the overall filament has no polarity, and therefore no motor proteins move along intermediate filaments
India experiences the monsoon season
From the picture, it can be seen that India experiences the monsoon season.
This is evident in that the southwestern summer monsoon is brought into a low-pressure area primarily as a result of great heat moving over the Thar Desert in places like Rajasthan and other nearby areas during summer.
This is illustrated in the picture as wind direction moves inwards at this period, making the moisture-rich wind blowing from the Indian Ocean moves to the low-pressure region, hitting the great Himalayas, and thereby leads to rainfall.
Valence shell
The number of electrons in the outermost shell of a particular atom determines its reactivity, or tendency to form chemical bonds with other atoms. This outermost shell is known as the valence shell, and the electrons found in it are called valence electrons.