Human and apes have 5 fingers that are used for grasping objects, so they have the same function, but they also have a common ancestor and are closely related, that means that this is an example of homologous structures. In evolutionary biology, the term homologous structures means that there are organs and skeletal elements of animals and organisms, that by virtue of their similarity, suggest their connection to a common ancestor.
Mendel discovered the basic principles of heredity through experiments in his garden.
His experiments showed that the inheritance of certain traits in pea plants follows particular patterns, subsequently becoming the foundation of modern genetics and leading to the study of heredity.
Mechanical barriers — which include the skin , mucous membranes , and fluids such as tears and urine — physically block pathogens from entering the body. Chemical barriers — such as enzymes in sweat , saliva , and semen — kill pathogens on body surfaces.
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G, S, G2, M
Cell cycle refers to the orderly events that prepare the cells for cell division and finally divide the parent cells into the daughter cells. The cell cycle consists of two stages: interphase and M phase.
Interphase is the phase wherein cells prepare to enter the M phase. Interphase has three stages: G1, S, and G2.
G1 is the first gap between represents the time between the end of mitosis and the beginning of the S phase. During the G1 phase, normal growth and metabolism take place. G1 phase is followed by the S phase, the synthesis phase, during which DNA replication and synthesis of histone proteins occur.
The cells then enter the G2 or the second gap during which cells synthesize more proteins and prepare to enter the M phase.
M phase is the phase of nuclear division that divides the nucleus of the parent cell into 2 or 4 daughter nuclei (depending on the type of the cell division that the parent cell has entered).
Therefore, the sequence of the stages that the cell will go through is G, S, G2, and M.