A. Basically a hotspot forms above a mantle plume. A mantle plume is like a bit of magma from the earths mantle, but it’s like not near tectonic plate boundary things. (Sorry if that doesn’t make sense lol if you’re still confused I’d just look up a diagram of a hotspot)
B. A stratovolcano, those are just volcanos that are built with a bunch of lava and ash
C. Mt. Helens is formed on a subduction plate boundary, while a hotspot is formed because of mantle plumes, which are usually not on a plate boundary.
Hope this helps lol
HIV destroys helper T cells
The evading viruses destroys helper T cells or the CD4+ thus the body can no longer stop some infections. The secondary infections also called opportunistic infections are rampant with people who have AIDS. This is because helper T cells help fight against most infections in the body.
Main protein in ending high fidelity in E. Coli is the Tus protein that binds to Ter sequences in order to prevent replication forks from passing through the end region. In the Ter sequences, the Tus protein blocks replication by establishing a close association with a particular G-C base pair.
The main protein in human cells is telomerase, which contains an RNA primer and is required to extend the synthesis of lagging strands in linear chromosomal telomeres.
Biological diversity is the variety of species in a given area. If a new species is added there are more species and therefore greater biological diversity and if one goes extinct there are less species and therefore less biological diversity.