1 : to make as if for the first time something already invented reinvent the wheel. 2 : to remake or redo completely. 3 : to bring into use again.
D. We traveled to the zoo, and to the aquarium.
The example of personification in this excerpt is: An apprehensive night crawled slowly by like a wounded snake and sleep did not visit Rainsford, although the silence of a dead world was on the jungle.
Personification is when inanimate things have human qualities. Here, a night cannot be apprehensive/crawl, because it is not alive.
Race - If one is white then they are seem as a real human. Although, if one is not white then they are a subhuman. This is represented in Tom Robinson's trial. He is a colored man, and due to this, he is considered guilty of r**e, when he is innocent. This was not justified, but the jury made it's decision because he was colored.
Class - An example of class in the Maycomb country is the Finches. They come from an old family and owned the same plot of land for many generations. They are also extracted a sizable income from the plot of land. We can view the Finches as "respectable". If you are deemed respectable in the Maycomb society, then you are important.
Gender - Men are superior and women are inferior. Scout, the main character, learns this when she grows up and is forced to conform to society. It is said that women are fragile and depended upon men. Scout is considered a Tom-boy and she rebels against her society's restricting gender roles.