Change the color to black and white
Run directory services
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an open protocol used to access some information, information that is stored in a network, the information is organized hierarchical structure, we could find some data like names, directories, and telephone numbers.
With other options, we can find DHCP to assign IP addresses and to resolve IP addresses to host names, we have the DNS.
1 35
* There is a little typo in printf. It should be "\n".
Initially, the value of the first is 1, and the value of the second is 2. Then, do_something(&second, first) is called. The value of the <em>first</em> will still be 1. However, there is a call by reference for <em>second </em>variable. That means the change made by the function <em>do_something</em> will affect the value of the <em>second</em> variable.
When you look at the calculation inside the <em>do_something</em> function, you may see that value of the <em>second</em> will be 35.
Link Aggregation Control Protocol
Link Aggregation Control Protocol can be used to assist in the formation of port channel bundles of physical links.
Link Aggregation Control Protocol is an IEEE standard defined in IEEE 802.3ad. LACP lets devices send Link Aggregation Control Protocol Data Units (LACPDUs) to each other to establish a link aggregation connection.
PCI and AGP slots have been replaced with PCI-E slot (PCI-Express). There are different types of PCI-E buses:
PCI Express 1x (250 [500] * MB/s)
PCI Express 2x (500 [1000] * MB/s)
PCI Express 4x (1000 [2000] * MB/s)
PCI Express 8x (2000 [4000] * MB/s)
PCI Express 16x (4000 [8000] * MB/s)
<span>PCI Express 32x (8000 [16000] * MB/s)
I hope that's what you meant :)</span>