The school I would like to attend is Fresno State University. The program I was planning to study was Agricultural Sciences. My reason for attending Fresno State is because I want to prove myself that I can achieve success, even without having to go to the UCs or the Ivy League. If I'm admitted into the university, I can contribute future benefits by applying my knowledge into creating futuristic agricultural methods and procedures.
Zadie Smith had always wanted to dig deeper in her father's war experience, but she never had enough courage to ask him, and neither did he.
One day, Zadie finds herself visiting an American poet friend in Normandy. And when they were visiting the beach there, she realized that it might be the place where, 59 years before, her father landed upon. So, she mentions this to her friend, who was also interested in war history of the area, and as a consequence, Zadie is interrogated by this friend. But in the end, Zadie relaizes she knows nothing about his father's war experence.
After this event, she returns home and feels determined to start interviewing his father.