The correct answer would be, No, very little work on outside world.
Very little work on outside world when you rub your hands together to warm them.
When you rub your hands together to warm them up, a friction is created which helps in generating heat within the hands, and in this way the hands are kept warm.
When you rub your hands, the heath goes and disappears within your body, and a very little part of the heat goes into the environment. So this rubbing has a little work on outside world.
As far as the efficiency of this process is concerned, It is very high, as the heat generates and remains within the human body after rubbing and a very little goes on outside world.
Learn more about Friction at:
Sí es importante que las marcas sean protegidas, ya que una marca representa una forma de propiedad privada, es decir, una marca es algo que le pertenece a los dueños de la empresa, y como tal, dicha propiedad debe ser protegida.
Es por esto que existen protecciones legales de marca, y por lo cual los gobiernos luchan contra la piratería.
Además, si las marcas no se protegieran y se permitiera la falsificación de todos los productos, los emprendedores no tendrían incentivo para innovar y crear marcas nuevas, ya que los beneficios económicos que podrían obtener de dicha actividad se verían muy disminuidos.
But that's just one type of volcano – the stratovolcano (or composite volcano). Stratovolcanoes consist of many layers (strata) of hardened lava, tephra, pumice, and volcanic ash. They generally have steep slopes and are the most common type of volcanoes on Earth.
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Answer:southern United states