This sentence in the 6th paragraph, Gus cared nothing for taunts and slurs against himself, but he deeply resented any suggestion of insult aimed at his crippled friend," shows that Gus is a loyal, caring friend. He only cares for his friend and not himself.
"I want to know
particularly what the good
chance is you propose to
give me. I am doing
tolerably well here. I get
$25 a month, with
victuals and clothing"
"...we have concluded to
test your sincerity by
asking you to send us our
wages for the time we
served you."
"At $25 a month for me,
and $2 a week for Mandy,
our earnings would
amount to $11,680. Add
to this the interest for the
time our wages have
been kept back"
1. With a reusable tote in hand, Matthew walked to the farmer's market.
2. The old book sounded so intriguing.