A, Increased contact with Europeans during the slave trade introduced many Africans to Christianity.
The settlers saw the right to take possession of western lands and use them as they saw fitting as an essential element of American freedom. Settlers paid no attention to Indian land titles and admonished the government to set a low price on public land or give it away and regularly occupied land to which they had no legal title. Numerous settlers are also concerned unregulated population of lands west of Appalachian Mountains would aggravate constant warfare with Indians and viewed frontier settlers as disorganized and lacking reverence for authority.
They wanted to gain profits from the sale of furs to Europe.
Beneficios: Introdujo el Catolicismo a América
Desventajas: Perdimos nuestras religiones y costumbres
Beneficios: Pudo ser globalizado el continente y obtuvo una apertura al mundo avanzado lo cual le permitio el avanze economico acorde con las del mundo.
Desventajas: Las poblaciones de las grandes naciones americanas fueron azotadas por las enfermedad y la discriminación mientras que los nativos americanos del norte fueron expulsados de sus tierra y encerrados en recerbaciones.
Espero que te haya ayudado! Si necesitas algo más preugntame! :)
The French Revolution went on for
many bloody years due to political radicalism. The radicalism actually originated
from several parties with different views; some wanted a British style
constitutionalism while others are opposed to the revolution. Among these
parties is the far right Jacobin Club led by Maximilien Robespierre. Amidst the
chaos of subjecting the King to trial, forming the constitution, threat of war
with Austria. The nation was threatened of war by Austria and Prussia if the
king is harmed, which made the king look like a conspirator. Threats of war
made prices rise, and so the poor and the working poor sided with the most
radical party, the Jacobins. The king was executed, and the Jacobins went into
overdrive in eradicating anything that is counter-revolutionary.