1. El
2. La
3. Los
4. Las
5. Las
Stem-Changing Verb Quiz
Complete these sentences by choosing the correct verb in parentheses and writing
the appropriate form in the blank.
1. Me (repeat / lunch) _ lunch in the cafeteria at two.
2. You (want / repeat) repeat
3. Don't you (play / understand) _ understand the lesson?
4, Maria (prefer / say) _oefire
The white blouse
5. They (close / start) will be the door
6. You (play / sleep) go
to American football.
7. I (find / return) Flight or earrings in jewelry.
8. We cannot (can / cost) can go to the dance.
9. Betina and Paulina (return / order)
help with the homework.
10. You (want / sleep) -
Buy some presents.
Il wing cimple sentences into Spanish
El plumaje del múcaro es una leyenda de Puerto Rico, una isla del mar Caribe que es parte de las Antillas Mayores y un estado libre asociado de los Estados Unidos. Múcaro es una palabra que viene del idioma de los taínos, los primeros habitantes de la isla. Ellos veían como tierra sagrada el Bosque Nacional El Yunque.
the first one is what is your name and the second one what language do you speak