Black Power was a revolutionary movement that occurred in the 1960s and 1970s. It emphasized racial pride, economic empowerment, and the creation of political and cultural institutions.
This is a timeline of the Black Power movement.
Memphis sanitation strike.
1968 Olympics Black Power salute.
Republic of New Afrika.
Death of Bobby Hutton.
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968.
Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement.
Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Howard University student protest.
A lament stage of an elegy is where the speaker expresses grief and sorrow. In this way, the following are examples of this stage:
- I mourn'd, and yet shall mourn with ever-returning spring.
- O powerful western fallen star!
- O shades of night—O moody, tearful night!
- O great star disappear’d—O the black murk that hides the star!
- O cruel hands that hold me powerless—O helpless soul of me!
- O harsh surrounding cloud that will not free my soul!
The apostrophe is used correctly in 'c'. All the other's use it as 'it's' rather than 'its;