He was a very smart man that helped the world in the field of psychology
Diseases of the immune system are especially dangerous because they attack the very cells that destroy other diseases. AIDS (auto immunodeficiency syndrome) basically makes the immune system kill itself. Basically, white blood cells kill other cells, (including its own white blood cells) instead of killing viruses or bacteria, in turn making your immune system very weak. If your immune system is weak, a simple cold can turn into a nightmare, and can even result in death.
Many people associate the term "low-fat" with health or healthy foods. Some nutritious foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are naturally low in fat. However, processed low-fat foods often contain a lot of sugar and other unhealthy ingredients.
They could eat healthier, like replacing junk food with healthier options, and exercise more by maybe going for walks instead of sitting around watching TV
D) Do CPR until the medical personell has arrived
It is best to continue life supporting efforts in the off chance that there is something that can be done or that there has been some human error in your assessment. It is also practical to remove the child from the mother in case there was some harm done to the child. Doing CPR will keep the situation under control rather than telling the mother that the child is dead since you are not a medical doctor and it is not within your limits to do so while help is on the way.