They landed at Cape Cod and the Strangers and the Pilgrims were in a disagreement because the Strangers were supposed to land at the Hudson Bay, but William Bradford (the future governer) saved them from a slaughter by creating the Mayflower Contract.
The answer to this question is: The new kingdom of egypt (also known as the Egyptian ampire)
The new kingodm of egypt was dominatin that region between the period of 16th century BC to the 11th century BC.
The empire produced the some of the most advanced scientific scholar from all over the world, which alter contirbuted to the development of the empire
Helenus revealed a way to capture Troy to Odysseus.
Of the Greeks Stole the Trojan Palladium and brought bones of Pelops to Troy they could persuade Philoctetes and Neoptolemus to join the Greeks. Winning the war.
To prove his talent, Michelangelo made his first masterpiece, the Pieta del Vaticano. The classical perfection of the figures astonished his contemporaries. In 1501 the artist returned to his hometown