They are thick, strong and made up of thousands of tubulin which are spiral in shape.
In eukaryotic cells, they have microtubules which are fibres serving as tracks for cell to cell transport and regulate the shape of a cell.
Microtubules are different from other cytoskeletal filaments because they possesses a cylindrical shape with the tube having a larger diameter of 20-25 nm as compared to microfilament that have a diameter of 3-6 nm.
Microtubules are made of subunits of proteins called tubulin named alpha and beta that is not present in other cytoskeletal filaments.
Problem faced include; habitat loss and degradation, disease outbreak, invasive species, pollution, over‐exploitation/overfishing, climate change etc.
Habitat loss and degradation, disease outbreak, invasive species, pollution, over‐exploitation/overfishing, and climate change are notable problems experienced by freshwater and marine fishes.
Anthropogenic activities and stressors that rapidly threaten freshwater and marine fishes are curbed through legislation and other means to prevent extinction of fishes.
Through conservation programs that plans for individual species to more species of entire faunas of a particular location also boost population size and prevent hunting of threatened or endangered species in both realms.
Overtime, genetically modified fishes which can develop resistance to diseases are introduced to the realm.
Moreso, waste channels through which pollutants gets into the water bodies are well-treated for safety of fishes.
Implantation is the mechanism by which a blastocyst, which is passing through the uterus as a developing embryo, makes contact with the uterine wall and remains bound to it before birth. The uterine lining (endometrium) undergoes several internal modifications in order to allow for the emerging blastocyst to bind to it.
- Eijiro <3
The egg shell would be most representative of the Earth's Mantle or "Crust", the yolk and white would represent the molten metal inside the earths core I assume.