Technical skills are the abilities and knowledge needed to perform specific tasks and are often relatef to mechanical, information technology, mathematical, or scientific tasks. The statement that secondary technology skills are skills that may be improved as the online class progresses is true.
I believe the answer is Paul Tillich
According to Tillich, humans are creatures that would always experience concerns from various aspects of our live (money, relationship, etc)
He believed that religion is a form of ultimate concern because it requires you to do total surrender to an entity that you've never met before.
Answer: True
Inflation rate actual measures an increase in the consumer price index (CPI) which is based on average prices of various goods.
The goods which are considered under inflation are based on whether they fall under the prevalent consumption basket in that country.
The index therefore has various goods based on what goods that country consumes the most some goods are responsible for price increase whilst some for price decrease depending on how heavy does each good weigh on the overall consumption basket of that country.
A price index refers to an average price of particular good or services in a particular region at a certain period.
A person who represents our country or state
Cultural capital concerns certain types of skills that are developed by children, these skills are passed from parents to children, usually parents of the social middle class. Reading skills, watching documentaries, playing classical instruments. These children have better academic development than others.
People with cultural capital skills always get people's attention, stand out, unlike those who don't, who aren't seen as capable by society.