Python script is given below
charge = float(input('Enter the amount you were charged. $'))
#setting the formula for tip and tax
tip = charge*.18
tax = charge*.07
#printing the values
print('Charge for the food: %.2f' % charge)
print('The tip amount: %.2f' % tip)
print('Tax amount: %.2f' % tax)
print('Total amount: %.2f' % (charge+tip+tax))
a. labels
a. labels b. graphs c. numbers d. formulas
It is the labels, which is the title of each column. For one column we can have the names, for another column, we can have a label grade. and for the third column, we can have the label scores. And the others are the graphs, formulas and the numbers, which are not an option.
List items are usually accessed using the indexing operator.
Depends on the language, and what you mean with extracting? Do you mean accessing or removing?