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Believes in something, values honesty and triump
Typically, stakeholders do not complain that the company is directionless after hearing a well-developed and expressed strategic vision.
<h3>What Is Vision, Exactly? And why is it so crucial for a leader to convey their vision?</h3>
The organization's desired achievement or future state is described by its vision. To motivate, define, and focus the effort, a vision must be communicated in order to fulfill its purpose.
One of your responsibilities as a leader is to inspire dedication to your organization's goal, as stated in our handbook Communicating Your Vision. You must convey the vision in a way that matters to people in order to accomplish this. You want the organization's members to embrace the vision and spread it to others.
The organization's vision needs to be communicated by the leaders in several different methods.
To know more about "Vision", visit:
Values Statement.
Value Statement: It shows that what an organization believes in, what are their values, where does the company stands in terms of morality. Moreover, value statement reflects the priority of the company and tells if it is inclined towards profit or collective goods more.
<em>As</em> the whole foods communicated that they don't want any harm towards the planet and claim themselves as responsible ones to care for this planet, it suggests that this is their value statement.