There were people who fought for there rights and most of the common were in the favor to allow them as free folk living inside the different colonies while having the equal rights as any other person living in England or US. As, there were huge number of campaigns raised for the cause of humanity and many writers wrote book in favor of equal rights. And to acquire these basic rights people contributed to greater extent with one another both financially and militarily inside the region. While, England itself became more weak due to the influence on it from the colonists.
People can not be in-caged in for centuries just because of there religion, there gender and over there skin tone but each of us have the same basic right as the other. During, the era of 1700 to the mid 1900's there was not the same US we see today it was much change and more conservative in all senses, as people were more racist towards the African Americans and treated them very badly while they were kept deprived of there basic rights for the activist and the political systems who were working for the cause of humanity were greatly concerned about the situation.
As, like many other writers and the activist who worked for the better of the society and helped many people to have a prosperous life. One of them was Maria W.Stewart as she wrote in her "Sympathetic Violence: Maria Stewart's Antebellum Vision of African American Resistance", about the situation faced by the people and warned the political system to perform a better job rather then just being silent about it. There were millions of African American who worked inside the plantations, as they were treated in a more different way rather as equal citizens of the United States.
To sustain that slaves were not lazy and idle. That they were also intelligent and had desires.
Maria W. Stewart used the thirteen colonies' fight for independence from Great Britain as support to explain that slaves were also intelligent, that they had a drive, that they had ambitions, dreams, and that they were not lazy people crying for freedom. That the knew how to work because they had passed their lives under strong regimes and guidelines to be satisfied. She also recalled how the patriots found inspiration to fight a war with odds against and managed to win.
Donne is using both personification and apostrophe in these lines. He is using apostrophe when he speaks to death as though it were a person who could hear it and respond to him. he also personifies death as if it were a person who could feel proud or be "mighty" and "dreadful".