The reason why teachers want you to understand the holocaust is because, it shows/demonstrates fragility of all societies and deepens reflection about contemporary issues that affect societies around the world, such as the power of extremist ideologies, propaganda, the abuse of official power, and group-targeted hate and violence. It also is important cause it teaches you about promotion of human rights; on the nature and dynamics of atrocity crimes and how they can be prevented; as well as on how to deal with traumatic pasts through education.
you could write: The five foxes' tails all wagged energetically.
Possessive nouns have an 's after the noun, making it possessive.
Ichabod was an unjust teacher who punished his students with prejudice.
My answer is "Danger
knows full well<span>
That Caesar is more dangerous than he. We are two lions littered in one day, <span>And I the elder and more terrible..." hope this helps.
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