I don't think it is any or much less a sentence.
the answer is the 3rd option because the bullet is moving in a straight line
the others are the same the way they are
A: The book “the fault in our stars” made me look introspectively, and connect the character’s lives to my own. The character’s struggles with mortality and living life to the fullest made me reflect on my life and wonder if I am truly appreciating it and experiencing all life has to offer. I also made the connection between the author’s inability to answer Hazel’s questions about the book, and how there were no answers for the problems in Hazel’s life. She was frustrated that there was seemingly no reasoning behind the author’s writing, just like there was no reason she had cancer, or that she was in this situation. Her anger towards the author symbolized a deeper anger that she would never truly “have answers” and that her life would never truly be fulfilled because she was going to die at such a young age.
I didn’t exactly know if you meant meaningful connections within the story or meaningful connections to your person life but I hope this helped!
I’m going to go on a rant and say a lot of things that I might not totally mean if I thought about it harder.
But I feel like I need to say it, especially before I leave Harvard. And maybe I’m biased, but I’ve worked in other countries, so here it is: Americans don’t know how to take a break. And when they do, they’re still on the clock, plugged into emails so nobody misses anything or gets fired (or whatever). People are so scared to take days off that they end up retiring with a year of paid leave.