The Laura tried to grow micro-organisms in culture broth medium in Petri-plates but the microbial growth was not observed even on the fourth day of culture which could be due to:
1. Laura could have not provided the correct broth medium maintaining the with pH and salt concentrations.
2. Microorganisms did not get optimal growth conditions.
3. The bacterial source could have died after the collection which could have lysed after their death and thus no longer visible.
Emigration : The act of leaving one's own country to settle permanently in another; moving abroad.
Immigration: is the international movement of people to a destination country of which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle as permanent residents or naturalized citizens.
Humans are also part of ecosystems and if they cease to exist, human well being will be affected.
I dont understand what is being asked
The Moon appears to Earth as a small crescent, as it rotates around the Earth this expands to a full moon and back to a small crescent. This happens once every 29 days and is called a lunar month. The Moon causes the rise and fall of the ocean's tides on Earth.