Answer and Explanation:
You forgot to say that this question is about "Marriage Is a Private Affair." The moment when the father affrms that women must remain silent is a moment when we can perceive a generation gap. This is because the father was raised in a generation in which women were oppressed and limited, they had no rights and could not occupy prominent positions in society. However, for the child, women must be subjected to quality education to promote a more egalitarian and fair society, where women are of great importance, as well as their words.
Eliza's appearance as a prim and proper beautiful young lady coupled with her perfect English accent surprised the guests; and they began to speculate as to where she came from. As they listened to her talk, they found her weird but Prof. Higgins explained that it was the "new small talk."
<span>Option B. Kali should determine if the online article he found contains up-to-date and novel information that contributes to his research on the American fashion industry as part of the collection of data and sources necessary for the development of this study.</span>
To critique a piece of writing is to do the following:
describe: give the reader a sense of the writer’s overall purpose and intent
analyze: examine how the structure and language of the text convey its meaning
interpret: state the significance or importance of each part of the text
assess: make a judgment of the work’s worth or value
Here are two structures for critiques, one for nonfiction and one for fiction/literature.
The Critique Format for Nonfiction
name of author and work
general overview of subject and summary of author's argument
focusing (or thesis) sentence indicating how you will divide the whole work for discussion or the particular elements you will discuss
objective description of a major point in the work
detailed analysis of how the work conveys an idea or concept
interpretation of the concept
repetition of description, analysis, interpretation if more than one major concept is covered
overall interpretation
relationship of particular interpretations to subject as a whole
critical assessment of the value, worth, or meaning of the work, both negative and positive
The Critique Format for Fiction/Literature
name of author and work
brief summary/description of work as a whole
focusing sentence indicating what element you plan to examine
general indication of overall significance of work
literal description of the first major element or portion of the work
detailed analysis
literal description of second major element
detailed analysis
interpretation (including, if necessary, the relationship to the first major point)
and so on
overall interpretation of the elements studied
consideration of those elements within the context of the work as a whole
critical assessment of the value, worth, meaning, or significance of the work, both positive and negative
You may not be asked in every critique to assess a work, only to analyze and interpret it. If you are asked for a personal response, remember that your assessment should not be the expression of an unsupported personal opinion. Your interpretations and your conclusions must be based on evidence from the text and follow from the ideas you have dealt with in the paper.
Remember also that a critique may express a positive as well as a negative assessment. Don't confuse critique with criticize in the popular sense of the word, meaning “to point out faults.”
The connotative meaning of the "fault lines" in the excerpt is something that is powerful and threatening to others.
Anna Quindlen, a Pulitzer-Prize winning author wrote a commentary on the Sept 11 bombing for the <em>Newsweek</em>. In her article "A Quilt Of A Country", she points out that America is home for many nationals who had come there to get a new start or a better way of life. And with this diversity, there is also unity. So, when there are threats of any kind, these different nationalities all come together, united against the common enemy. There may be "fault lines" that demarcates and separates people to people, but in times of crisis and common fight against evil such as terrorism, people forget their national identities and become Americans first. And this is what makes America great in comparison to any other country.