Tyranny, remarkable, agony, victorious, obstruct, there's a lot. It's easier to know when given words that I could replace.
shelter and hunger
Because when brian had woken up and was thirsty it reminded him of a time him and terry we're lost in the woods which brought up the thought of a nostalgia memory
There are two kinds of speakers in the world: those that are speaker-centered and those that are audience-centered. A speaker-centered person thinks only about his perspective and uses his beliefs and values as the focus of the speech. An audience-centered person makes his speech more enjoyable and entertaining.
The best way to know if you are focusing on your audience is to perform a formal analysis, and it's pretty in depth. The speaker makes a prescribed plan to scrutinize the audience's behaviors and uses the data to come up with conclusions about audience's preferences.
The answer would be 10(rounded)apples
Hope this helps
Have a great day/night
Everything is better!
You can:
Smile and shout!
No need to pout!
Cry in shock!
Beat the clock!
Yelp in pain if you get a knock!
You can
Yell out loud - oh glee, oh glory!
Tell a really exciting story!
Shout out loud “Stop! Go! Wait!”
When you live life with an ‘Exclamation point’
Everything is better!