The European colonization of the Americas encountered diverse physical and human geography, which influenced the methods and results. Spanish Conquistadors found large native empires in Mexico and Peru and quickly conquered them to build feudal systems similar to those at home. Where valuable mineral deposits were found, colonies were built on that basis. Places suitable to sugar developed a plantation economy. North America, where such resources were not found, was colonized later, mainly by France, England, and the Netherlands. Their colonies were initially based on trade with the natives rather than conquest, and later on lumber rather than minerals. Where farmland was good, an export trade in its products developed.
hope it helps..
Help ensure the economic stability of the new nation
Darwin believed that animals compete for such things as food and water with other species and within their own species and the varieties that are most capable to do this successfully were naturally selected and eventually formed new species and that this mechanism explains the origin of species. Marx believed that social classes compete with each other ie the working class with the bourgeoisie with each trying to fulfil their needs the bourgeoisie for maximum profits and the working class for better wages and working conditions and eventually for the fruits of their labour to be used for socially useful purposes not just to enrich a few at the expense of the many so this is a revolutionary process.