China imports oil and natural gas because it cannot meet demands with its own supplies, and Taiwan imports wood products because many of its forests are protected lands.
A. a tragic characters reversal of fortune
The Egyptians and Mayans both used symbols to convey meaning in written language. However, the similarity pretty much stops there. This is remarkable, though, considering the fact that these cultures – millennia and worlds apart – developed similar writing systems.
The Egyptian hieroglyphics didn’t have punctuation and they were written in long lines of script. They were found on everything from paper, to stone, to jewelry. Reading the glyphs, you go from left to right. Egyptian glyphs are divided into phonograms - representing sounds and ideograms - representing ideas or objects.
The Mayans’ system used picture blocks to convey meaning. Their glyphs were mostly on stone. Reading the glyphs is very different from reading Egyptian glyphs. You go left to right and read a “pair” of glyphs and then go down to the next line and read the next pair. They form a sort of a zig-zag pattern. Thus, if reading, you would read block 1A, then block 1B. Then you go to the next line and read 2A, then block 2B. Mayan glyphs are divided into logograms to express meaning or syllabograms to represent sounds.
humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism and empiricism) over acceptance of dogma or superstition.
[hope this helped!]