subsistence farming:In Belize, they are the poorest of the poor, most living by subsistence farming. We lived from subsistence farming, growing sweet potatoes, corn, some sugarcane, and ginger.
Cash Crop:Countries agree to grow cash crops in order to pay off their crippling debts.
Much of history would be lost forever if it wasn't written down. Doing it by hand is tedious and not very consistent. Besides the ink fades off over time with some cases. With the printing press, it's much more clear and consistent to read. Also the printing press allowed for anyone to get access to books. Before it was the elite that could only get access.
Mountains and it had more farmland than Greece.
In the past past, during Great Depression no one liked them because they had a whole bunch of rights and things that the poor/ lower class didn’t. Also in 1800s the upper class was the kings and rich men of the world, no one liked them because they were greedy and didn’t care for others but themselves