In short- no. He imposed some very unfair tariffs on the southern states, making it very hard to live, most of what he did were things that lead up to the civil war. But in this case, I suggest you do your research and do the essay, but I can tell you what he did. He inposed unfair tariffs on forgein goods, making them the same (expensive) prices on domestic goods, made in the north. In retaliation, South Carolina seceded, and used military action against them. He also made the federal reserve a thing I think.
I know Columbus was one... Sorry, that's all I know.
<span>The rise of computer corporations like Microsoft and businesses signaled the advent of
a. industrial technology.
b. the global information age.
c. mass democracy.
d. entrepreneurial capitalism.
e. the speculative stock market.</span>
<span></span><span>All of the following proved to be characteristics of the new information age economy except
a. instant global communications.
b. high-tech computer and media businesses.
c. the decline of traditional occupations mediating between products and clients.
d. an end to the boom-and-bust capitalist business cycle.
e. outsourcing of white collar American jobs to Third World countries.</span>
Cabeza de Vaca method of treatment to heal the sick and injured indians who were brought to him was laying-on of hands and fervent praying.
By doing this, Cabeza de Vaca received food in return for treating the ill and injured Indians throughout his mercantile career. His method of treatment included blowing his breath on affected areas of bodies and laying on of his hands, to which the Indians responded positively.
Cabeza de Vaca also practiced surgery according to one historic operation in 1535, where he removed an arrowhead from deep in an Indian's chest (sagittectomy).
Giuseppe Maria Garibaldi was an Italian general, patriot and republican. He contributed to the Italian unification and the creation of the Kingdom of Italy.