an isthmus is a narrow strip of land with sea on either side, forming a link between two larger areas of land.
a maize is a plant used for cereal, corn.
a sinkhole is a cavity in the ground, especially in limestone bedrock, caused by water erosion and providing a route for surface water to disappear underground.
and finally, a hogan is a traditional Navajo hut of logs and earth.
Answer: Activist, segregation, Christian Leadership Conference, ideas of equality
Explanation: Martin Luther King Jr. was a leader of the Civil Rights Movement and Activist. He also organized a multitude of peaceful protests and was the head of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (his religion). Martin was also a baptist minister throughout his whole life. One of the most significant events that he held was the famous March on Washington. This is where he continued to spread his ideas of equality and ending segregation. His main idea was to end racism. Today this concept of course is still a big issue. Especially recently with protests occuring. However, his doings impacted life for many by helping the end of segregation and will forever be remembered as one of the most substantial events in the history of America.
San Francisco was a focus for Asian American reformers in the 1960s because it was the place where many Asian immigrants started opposing the reform efforts.
San Francisco was a focus for Asian American reformers in the 1960s because it was, where many Asian immigrants had entered the United States . The reformers claim that the reality of Asian Foreigners in San Fransisco helped united states built their economy because they were the backbones that are prepared to do most of the dishonest and exhausting jobs.
It has influenced their agriculture, republican form of government, entertainment.