D. Lowering of the sea level.
- Stream incision is a cause and consequence of the increase in the river load carrying capacity and also its former floodplain if uplifted by the presence of mountain ranges and more discharge rates.
- As the streams channel drops the water in surrounding aquifers runs into the streams, thus lowering the water table a this modifies the flow pattern of the stream, and leads to large reductions of summer flows.
- The incision is thus a play of the river with its tools and speed of the river and the amount of discharge governs the flow patterns hense, this impacts the river way of cutting.
The astronomers predicted fireworks from the rare stellar encounter in the year 2018. Stellar collision can be defined as when two stars which are in the same group of the stars due to the radiations emitted by the gravity or may be because of some other reason.
The importance of this encounter to the astronomers was that this can describe the huge population of millisecond pulsars and can also be used to develop the exotica of the stars.

=> D. Malaria affecting the ecosystem