The U.S. recognized that the best intelligence was firsthand intelligence, like that gathered through decrypted messages. Interc
epted messages provided information that was not colored by the spy who gathered it. Having no success planting a spy in East Berlin, U.S. intelligence was at a loss about how to penetrate the Soviet sector of the city. –The Dark Game, Paul Janeczko Which statement best describes the viewpoint the author expresses about intelligence? Firsthand intelligence is more effective than secondhand intelligence. It was not necessary to gather firsthand intelligence from East Berlin. Firsthand intelligence is intelligence taken from decrypted, or decoded, messages. The US had not been able to plant a spy in East Berlin to gain intelligence.
Firsthand intelligence is more effective than secondhand intelligence
This statement is the one that shows the viewpoint of the author about intelligence. It tells us which type of intelligence is best. As it is stated in the first sentence of the paragraph, and based on the fact that the following sentences support it, we can asume that this is the idea presented in the topic sentence. This means the author shows his viewpoint and then gives us examples and information that support it.
Although Mr. White had given in to Mrs. White's pleading to make a second wish on the monkey's paw to bring Herbert back, when he does not return immediately, Mr. White becomes suspicious. ... In an attempt to bring her deceased son back from the grave, she demands that her husband wish for Herbert to come back to life.