In <span><em>Hills Like White Elephants</em>, a couple is discussing on whether they should terminate the woman's pregnancy, which she is willing to do if it will make him happy, but he won't want her to go through it if she doesn't want to. As they wait for this <em>trip</em>, which seems to be to take them to the place where the procedure would be performed, they go back an forth on said decision.
Therefore, your best answer would be option A.</span>
Hope this is what you were looking for!
In "The Literature of The Americas," Kimberly Koza writes: "By discovering the literature of out neighbors, we may also learn about ourselves."
It could be defintion 3.
In the text it doesn't say the person caused ruckus on purpose or out of anger.
At first glance, the passage seems like an appeal to ethos because of the name dropping. However, if one looks at the question that follows the statement, you can clearly see that it is an appeal to logos. As it persuades the audience to use their logic to come up with the answer to the question.