William won the election of 1896 by manipulating votes. He had given a free tax of 2$ to everyone who'd vote for him and made his way into victory through cheating. He was caught in 3 years after the voting and immediately thrown off the parliament.
A similar case like this happened around 1800s where the MNET company had manipulated charts and prevented popular musical groups such as "Red Velvet" from getting their 7th win.
Vous êtes les bienvenus, stream umpah umpah. revoir.
Magna Carta
The national library of the United Kingdom and one of the best in the world. It has approximately 150 million publications and every year a collection of about three million new objects is incorporated.
The British Library contains books, maps, newspapers, sheet music, patents, manuscripts and stamps, among other objects. They are in 625 km of shelves that grow 12 kilometers every year. The reading space has capacity for 1200 readers.
The British Library makes information available to students and researchers in the United Kingdom and around the world. Each year, six million searches are generated with its online catalog and more than 100 million objects are offered to readers around the world.
The Industrial Revolution involved a shift in the United States from manual labor-based industry to more technical and machine-based manufacturing. It also paved the way for many manufacturers.
Buddhism actually originated in India so it goes against something like Doisom in china + the religion side of it is very different yet share some traits like meditation.
"Dynastic cycle. Dynastic cycle is an important political theory in Chinese history. According to this theory, each dynasty rises to a political, cultural, and economic peak and then, because of moral corruption, declines, loses the Mandate of Heaven, and falls, only to be replaced by a new dynasty."
sorry if this aint what u lookin for.. I found it on de internet... but here's my version..
A dynastic cycle is a political theory in the our Chinese history which is important.