Most people are allergic to eggs, peanuts, milk, shellfish, wheat, and soy. Precautions you can take is to not cross contaminate, and not eat any foods your allergic to and always carry and Epi pen. Symptoms of a food allergy may be throwing up, hives, rashes, digestive problems, throat closing up, tingling lips, nausea, diarrhea, indigestion. A food allergy can last anywhere from a few minutes to two days long.
Protein because of the lack of meat
Promoting all body types is NOT a way the media communicates unrealistic body images
Right now, society is under an illusion that we should have a specified body images to be categorized as a attractive. It's all because media keep promoting one type of body for person to be considered as attractive ( i.e : for women you got to have a tiny waist with DD breast, )
basically The women body types that we see in magazine or posters are all altered by digital software, it's all unrealistic. Thriving to achieve these unrealistic images will often created a low self esteem in a lot of people.
Weight should be the answer