Cytoplasmic uses actin and myosin for the movement of the cytosol which causes the organelles to move inside the cell.
<span>While Acid fast bacteria retain carbol fuchsin after acid-alcohol treatment, non- Acid fast bacteria are decolorized by acid-alcohol.
Bacteria of genus mycobacterium are best stained using acid-fast method. A mixture of Phenol and fuchsin is carbol fuchsin. In acid-slcohol, acid is hydrochloric acid.</span>
Carbohydrates. Depending on the carbon-based molecule broken down, the amount of ATP produced will be less or more.
C.) crystalline solids
The solid materials may be crystalline or amorphous. The concept of crystal structure is related to the organization of atoms in a geometrical form. Crystalline structures are present in various materials, where atoms distributed within their structure form a network called the crystalline lattice. Therefore, crystalline structures have salts, metals and most minerals. Crystalline structures are formed by unit cells that are their basic unit, as they constitute the smallest set of associated atoms found in a crystalline structure.
The molecules of the crystalline structures can have two types of bonds, the directional ones, which include the covalent and dipole dipole and the non-directional ones where the metallic, ionic, van der Walls bonds. When formed by ionic compounds, these crystalline structures can result in crystalline solids.
B, osmosis is the movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane according to the gradient of concentration. The water moves to were the concentration of solute is higher, that way the solute concentration is equalized.