The correct answer is the well-being of each person in an economy.
Also known as the "Standard of living", this is something that cannot be reflected from the per capital income, whether it's nominal or real. The reason is when you divide the GDP from the population, the assumption is all the GDP is distributed among the population equally.
But this is not the case in the real world and there are many variances, discrimination, discrepancies and inequalities when the wealth and resources are distributed.
That statement is true.
Basically, You put your money in saving if you intended to use that money for future consumption. You put your money in investment if you intended to make financial gain out of it.
For example,
Let's say that you want to buy a laptop that cost $700. You only able to spend $350 per month since you have to consider other more important payment such as rent or food. So you set aside $350 for two month and purchase the laptop at the end of the second month. This is an example of saving.
In another case let's say that you put that $350 in Bonds rather than purchasing laptop. You Let that bond mature and take a 3% interest as profit. Two month later, the value of your money is increased. This is an example of an investment.
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The conception of man as an economic animal is implied by the view that economic production is the determining “factor” or “sphere” of man or society. Against this conception can be put another, that of man as praxis. This takes account of man as a creative being, capable of realizing his freedom through his own activity. In this article the theory of the determining role of the “economic factor”, and the theory of factors in general have been examined. The economic interpretation of history, a variant of the theory of factors, has been acknowledged as partly true for the self‐alienated man and society, but the theory of factors in any variant has been found inadequate as a general theory of man, or society. The possibility of freedom cannot be reduced to the fact that the determining roles played by “factors”, vary, or to the hope that the economic “factor” can be subordinated to a “better” one. Man's freedom consists in his resolving the conflict of “factors”, and in realizing himself as an integral creative being, no longer split into independent and mutually opposed spheres.
that should help
An ever-expanding variety of goods and services are in demand by consumers all around the world. given the importance of world trade, countries are inclined to attempt to control the trade for their own benefit.
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade is now administered by the World Trade Organization. The International Court of Justice is composed exclusively of U.S. judges. The Dispute Settlement Body of the World Trade Organization (DSB) is a bona fide court.
International trade allows countries to expand their markets and gain access to goods and services that were not available domestically. World trade has made the market more competitive. This ultimately leads to more competitive pricing and consumers get cheaper products.
Learn more about world trade at