<span>The thinnest parts are oceanic crust, while the thicker parts are continental crust.</span><span />
It is important that cell growth in a multi-cellular organism be regulated carefully so as to maintain the integrity of the cell cycle
Explanation: Each cell in a multi-cellular organism has it cycle which consist of the inter-phase and the m-phase (active division). Cell growth takes place in the G1 phase of the inter-phase and this ensures that deoxy ribonucleic acid is synthesized in the S-phase in preparation for division.
Hence, adequate cell volume is a key event in order for division to take place. If cell growth is not regulated, it might result in a cell exiting the cell cycle into the resting phase in case of slow growth or result in over-division of a cell in case of over-stimulated growth. The latter is often the case in the development of cancerous cells.
The African penguin also known as the donkey penguin hatches babies called chicks.