Climate change has been described as one of the biggest problems faced by humankind. Carbon dioxide is is the primary driver of global warming. Prof Joanna Haigh from Imperial College London explains why this gas has played a crucial role in shaping the Earth's climate.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been present in the atmosphere since the Earth condensed from a ball of hot gases following its formation from the explosion of a huge star about five billion years ago.
At that time the atmosphere was mainly composed of nitrogen, CO2 and water vapour, which seeped through cracks in the solid surface. A very similar composition emerges from volcanic eruptions today.
As the planet cooled further some of the water vapour condensed out to form oceans and they dissolved a portion of the CO2 but it was still present in the atmosphere in large amounts.
300% - 400%
The cardiac reserve is in the range of 300 to 400 percent (300% - 400%
) in normal young adults, while this percentage can be increased to 600% in trained athletes
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We can define thermogenesis as the method of production of lime or temperature that a living body generates, in biology it is studied that this does not occur in all animals, but is seen in so-called warm blood and some plants, there are three types of processes identified in animals:
NEAT: defined as thermogenesis that occurs without the presence of physical activity
DIT: defined as the thermogenesis that occurs with physical activity
EAT: defined as the thermogenesis that occurs with the consumption of food or diet
Thermogenesis under the thermogenin protein found in brown adipose tissue produces a disengagement of protons within the mitochondria, prevents ATP synthesis and is capable of inducing temperature with the flow of protons, it also intervenes by increasing glycolysis, lipogenesis and gluconeogenesis with which its final result in these processes is the production of energy. The effect of the sympathetic nervous system and thyroid hormones that can balance heat production without generating abnormal movements such as tremor is also recognized.
Thus we deduce that:
electron transport allows heat flow without causing tremors
Thermogenin is involved in allowing protons to enter the mitochondria and the ATP production process is carried out.
hydrolysis of fatty acids occurs in the presence of norepinephrine
in brown adipocytes ATP synthase can be avoided
state the uses of excretory products in plants
Carbon dioxide, excess water produced during respiration and nitrogenous compounds produced during protein metabolism are the major excretory products in plants. Plants produce two gaseous waste products i.e. oxygen during photosynthesis and carbon dioxide during respiration.
Hope this helps :)