The flying insects classically utilize high numbers of mitochondria in flight muscles. In addition, mitochondria are organelles within eukaryotic cells that yield adenosine triphosphate in which the foremost energy molecule used by the cell. For this reason, the mitochondrion is sometimes denoted to as the powerhouse of the cell. The mitochondria are originating in all eukaryotes which are all living things that are not bacteria or archaea. It is thought that mitochondria ascended from once free-living bacteria that were combined into cells.
The genotype of male with red-green color blindness is XY, X chromosome possessing recessive allele of gene responsible for differentiating red-green color.
Color blindness is sex-linked trait and its inheritance follows criss-cross pattern. Dominant gene of allelomorpihc pair enables a person to differentiate between red and green color.
The genotype of male and female are different for the pair of sex chromosomes. Male is hetero-zygous (XY) and female is homo-zygous (XX). The gene controlling this trait is present on X chromosome.
Hope this helps (:
Red blood cells (erythrocytes)
Red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to your tissues. They also bring carbon dioxide back to your lungs. Red blood cells make up almost half of your blood. The lifespan of a red blood cell is around 120 days
A warm air does always rise and cold air falls
Answer: the correct answer is energy-release from energy-yielding nutrients.
Thiamin is found in meals like cereals, wholemeal grains, meat, nuts, beans, peas. Thiamin is important in carbohydrates degradation in necessary products for the body. Thiamin is used for treatment or preventing deficiency in vitamin B1.