Hemophilia is considered a sex-linked recessive disorder which means the disease does not occur if only one gene in a pair is abnormal.
Inheritance pattern of the offspring of a father who has hemophilia and a mother who does not have hemophilia and is not a carrier:
- all sons will be born normal
- all daughters will be carriers
Inheritance pattern of the offspring of a father who has hemophilia and a mother who is a carrier:
- 25% chance of having a hemophiliac son
- 25% chance of having a son with no hemophilia
- 25% chance of having a daughter who is a carrier
- 25% chance of having a hemophiliac daughter
Produce protein and decode messages from peptide bonds — hope im not too late !
A genus is composed of a number of related species. For example, canus is the genus for dogs.
Particles move from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration until the molecules are evenly contributed