The actions that youth could take to avoid poverty traps are:
- Do not spend money on luxury items that we do not need
- Start to plan in creating early investments so we could reap the benefir as we got older
- Start to widen skills basics so we could receive a lot of job opportunities in the future
India is extremely overpopulated which can cause issues such as homelessness because they simply don't have enough room to house everybody. It can cause starvation because they only have a certain amount of food to give.
D. tierra caliente, tierra templada, tierra fria, tierra helada.
The Latin American region has its own unique names for the elevation zones based on the climate. The lowest of them is the tierra caliente, characterized with lowlands and hills covered with dense tropical forests, and hot weather. The tierra caliente is the second, located between 1,000 and 2,000 meters, being still part of the tropical climate, but being cooler and more pleasant, which is why there are lot of big cities on this elevation. The tierra fria is located further up, up to 3,000 meters, and it is colder, dominated with grasslands, and the living conditions are not the best. The top elevation zone is the tierra helada, located in the highest parts of the Andes, being dominated by barren mountain slopes, strong winds, and cold climate.
Hunter-gatherer societies had religion, art, language, and many other things that other later societies also had. But they didn't know how to write. Writing came later with more permanent settlements that were made possible by humans learning how to cultivate and grow their food and didn't have to move that much, or at all anymore.
D. A car that went through all the car washes
that way the car would have more experiences