Can you put a picture of the excerpt?
Answer: B, the negative connotations of the words “dust,” “aching,” and “weary” give the excerpt a tone of tiredness.
In the excerpt, we learn that the mole has been working hard, and that he worked all morning. Spring-cleaning usually implies a deep cleaning, like replacing the carpet or cleaning your oven. However, when someone typically does some spring-cleaning, they end up tired. We can prove this by using the words “aching” and “weary,” as they describe being tired.
They welcomed the Americans and fought alongside them.
The Secretary of Defense
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Purtătorul principal al acestor păreri era istoricul britanic Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) care în opera sa „The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”[1][2] susține teoria declinului și căderii Imperiului Roman potrivit căreia acestea s-ar fi datorat: